Call for Proposals
International Conference in Austria
December 17 - 21, 2015
Theatre - Dance - Music - Visual & Multimedia Art - Arts administration - Performing Arts Training -
Theatre Design & Technology
conference is open to performing arts practitioners and researchers
from different countries: performing arts academics, arts educators and
teachers, performers of various genres and techniques, theatre
directors, dancers and choreographers, arts administrators and
producers, musicians, stage designers costume designers, mask makers,
multimedia artists, scriptwriters, playwrights, theatre critics, arts
journalists, etc.
The conference offers a wonderful chance for performers, performing arts educators and teachers
to demonstrate their methods and techniques to the international audience. Presentation formats:
- practical workshop/master class
- work in progress/work demonstration
- performance fragment not requiring special technical conditions
- interactive talk/lecture/discussion
- photo/video demonstration
- exhibition
- research presentation
- other way of demonstration offered by Speaker/Presenter can be considered.
The conference will take place at the XV century castle in one of the most beautiful regions of Austria, surrounded by nature.
Everything is organized for the group
at the territory of the castle - conference space, comfortable
accommodation and full board.
The conference working language is English.
For event details,submission guidelines for Presenters & Speakers and
practical details, please view