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Πέμπτη 10 Μαΐου 2012

Tsipras: Greece's Danger Man Or Saviour?

Jason Farrell, Sky News correspondent, Greece
In one momentous election, Alexis Tsipras' party has moved from minor league (4.9% of the vote) to becoming the second largest political force in Greece (16.8% of votes).
The leader of the Radical Left Coalition, or Syriza, had a spring in his step as he strode into the presidential palace in Athens.
With the conservative New Democracy party failing to form a government, he has now been given a mandate to try to form a coalition to rule the country.

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Τετάρτη 9 Μαΐου 2012

Time for Greece and the Euro to Part Ways?

For months, we have been asking the same questions: should Greece and the Euro go their separate ways? Are there just too many hurt feelings? Was the relationship based on too many lies from the start? Despite everyone doing their best to work through the issues, are there irreconcilable differences?
At Rendezvous, we asked those questions even when the world seemed to be rejoicing at the bailout deal between Athens and its troika of financiers.
“The coalition government has to survive the growing rage of the streets. And any new government has to accept the same cuts” was potential pitfall number three, we wrote on Feb. 9.

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Grèce: Hollande attendu par la gauche

Alexis Tsipras, le chef du parti de la gauche radicale grecque Syriza, chargé de former un gouvernement de coalition depuis hier, a demandé à rencontrer le président élu français François Hollande, a-t-on appris aujourd'hui auprès de son parti. "Nous avons demandé un rendez-vous avec M. Hollande jeudi ou vendredi, à l'occasion de la visite jeudi à Paris de M. Tsipras, pour s'entretenir avec le leader de la gauche radicale française Jean-Luc Mélenchon", a déclaré une porte-parole de Syriza, confirmant une nouvelle parue cet après-midi sur le site du journal français de gauche humanité.fr.
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Syriza's Tsipras to meet Greece's pro-bailout parties

The leader of Greece's left-wing Syriza bloc is continuing attempts to form a government after elections on Sunday produced an inconclusive result.
Alexis Tsipras has said he will try to form a coalition based on tearing up the terms of the EU/IMF bailout deal, which he describes as "barbaric".
On Wednesday, he will meet the two mainstream pro-bailout parties, Pasok and New Democracy (ND).
If the two sides fail to agree, Greece could face fresh elections in weeks.
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Willkommen in Weimar

Das Chaos bei der Regierungssuche in Athen zeigt: Griechenland steht heute dort, wo sich die Weimarer Republik 1930 befand. Die Sparpolitik und die Bindung an den Euro verhindern eine wirtschaftliche Erholung. Auf Dauer gefährden sie die Demokratie.
Die Deutschen haben aus dem Zusammenbruch ihrer Demokratie im Jahre 1933 alle nur denkbaren Konsequenzen gezogen - nur die eine nicht: Die am meisten unterschlagene Ursache der deutschen Katastrophe war das fatale Festhalten am Goldstandard. Die feste Bindung der Reichsmark und anderer Währungen an den Wert des Goldes verhinderte, dass die Notenbanken mit einer flexiblen Geldpolitik auf den Börsencrash von 1929 reagieren konnten. Was in den USA begann, wuchs sich zu einer Weltrezession aus.
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