By clicking on a country's marker, you can either select "View individual report" if you would like to view a single country's report or "Add to report list" in order to view multiple countries in one report.
The report includes questions on:
·Internet access in libraries
·Library initiatives for providing information to different categories of citizens (such as senior citizens, women, the disabled and visually impaired)
·The role of libraries in universal primary education and environmental sustainability
·And much more!
The report has been developed by a team at the University of Pretoria led by Professor Theo Bothma and contains details of the library environment in 122 countries. Users have the possibility to add comments to the report as a whole or to individual country reports. The analysis of the data shows on one hand that there are still many countries where violations of intellectual freedom occur – such incidents were reported in 109 of the 122 countries- and on the other that there are many positive aspects where individual libraries have implemented innovative projects to improve access to information.